Friday, January 15, 2010

Letter From Neil

Dear mom, I love you very much. You have been the shining light of inspiration in my life that continues to brighten with the years. From teaching me math and social studies at home, to bringing me legos, hammers and nails to build all the creative things I could imagine. You have always been able to provide me with the tools and talents to create my dreams. And through my growing appreciation and love for you, I have come to share my own passions and ideas back to inspire and empower you as well. In my life, you have seen me grow and mature. In the past few years, I cherish our open dialog and discussions every moment we have together. My most recent life-stretch as you know, took me to Copenhagen as a member of the UN Climate Discussions. In this space, I found myself growing in ways I had not anticipated. Meeting and hearing from other people from all walks of life, age, and background, sharing their concerns, their issues, hopes and dreams I was halted in my own thoughts and actions. We so often hear of people in the US, aspiring to riches and fame, and there, people spoke of dreams we take for granted; food, security, warmth, and family. It made me realize the true crux we are in as we attempt to stretch our planet's blanket over all 7 billion of us that walk this home we call earth. In that space and state of mind, I was able to see myself as a global citizen and I was not happy with what I saw. I saw our petty disputes and debates, so selfish and weak. I heard a cry for help from over half the world's citizens. I felt waves of fear and anxiety, rooting all decisions in our global past. And as I stood in this space, with thoughts of despair, I also knew, deep down, that the barriers holding us back from rising to this challenge of being the stewards of our family, communities and earth, was really only figments of our relations to the challenge. Those we selected to lead us were failing, both in believing in our capacity as humans and in our ability to solve very difficult situations together. They were slowly subscribing us to a short walk on this earth. Standing there, I knew we were better than this. So I began to grow that seed of faith, recalling that in my life and yours, I have seen what can be done when we put our mind to a task. I remembered how blessed I was. How you have given me the greatest gift of life, and atop that, a love for life that burns bright. In everything you have done, from sending Kira and I to college, to instilling a sense of confidence in us, I was and am eternally grateful. In my growing faith and visions of what I want in my life, our family, and the world community, I am asking you to take your audacity for life and share with those who surround you everyday about the need to stabilize our climate and become the true care givers of our fellow humans, just as we would have them care for us. A lesson I have carried with me throughout life from scripture is, the world will know us, not by our knowledge or worldly possessions, but by our fruits of our labor. So I ask you, do what you do best and sow the seeds of what we need to accomplish as a nation of people on this beautiful blue ball. I love you lots, Neil

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